Thursday, February 23, 2012

VC UiTM hit hard by UMNO Bloggers ?

Helloooooo peeps ! How is everyone today ? Its a lovely day with the sun shining bright here near the seaside. I love it. Guess what ? I got an sms early yesterday telling me that a certain Vice Chancellor or VC of a Malay based University was getting wacked by some Bloggers. I said to myself, what does that have to do with me ? I definately aint' going to get a place in this University so I thought just leave it and get on with what I am doing. Then late last night I got another sms, this time from another friendly who told me that this was the same Blogger that got that Admiral of the Navy SACKED ! Now that blew off a little bit of steam through my ears.

Can you imagine ? First this Bloggers gets the Admiral of the whole FLEET sacked just because he thought he was a hero in the Hindustan movie, filming the insides of this super secret Submarine that we have, and telling the world, "Hey ! This is our Submarine, come sabotage our country ", now this same person is trying to get a Vice Chancellor of a University sacked just so that his political master can be made happy. Is this justice ? Is this the justice the people are looking for ? Or is this cruel justice is to satisfy the lust of this certain Political leader to take out everyone who is against him ? Wow ! Where is our country going to.

Sometime ago, the Opposition used RPK as their firing squad without trial or jury, taking this into their own hands and judging for themselves what they felt was right or wrong. Not this ruling party is playing God and trying to pull judgement to whoever who disobeys them and decides their future no matter what. Is this what we want for our country ? Is this what the people are so angry about ? All these SEX LIES DECEIT SLANDER DEFAMATION has become a norm nowadays and the people are fed up.

Who is the paymaster for this Blogger ? Well we know his counterpart gets more than RM80k a month, hence this dude must be getting twice that figure to go around being a hitman. Payment, paymaster, paying, and debt. At the end of the day, someone is going to have to answer, and we all know that it won't be the Blogger, as he loves to go around telling everyone 'WHO IS PAYMASTER IS' hence it will be quite easy to equate and convict both fellon and boss guilty of new media assasination.

I don't know this Vice Chancellor of UiTM but I have done a bit of homework on the net, and it looks like the BPR cleared him of any charges. Charges of sending his two kids to University. Wow ! Sending your children to learn at a University has also become a crime for some people. Looks how Stone Aged we are when the big guns who are pushing the corruption index to the limit are still living in dreamland while the rest of us make do with whatever we earn on a daily basis. UiTM is not for my race but maybe in the future, with the Prime Minister engaging in 1Malaysia, everybody will get a free chance to study in any University in Malaysia. I'm not saying that I like the current system, but Transformation is the key term nowadays so lets get to it and Transform together....

To the VC of UITM, don't let this Blogger character assassinate you, do what everyone else is doing, take him to court for slander. Don't forget his fatso buddy too as they come in a pair. Each feeding each other like two cocks in a cage. The Prime Minister elected you, so if this so called Blogger thinks he can take you on, that should show to all who he is really work for. Take it easy, keep on shaking that rock and roll.



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